Master Key Columbia, MD – Locksmith Service Columbia MD


You accidentally lock yourself out of the apartment. The supervisor swoops in, and rescues you by unlocking it with the sole key he carries with himself. Ever wondered how that was possible? The answer: a master key system! It can be seen in an increasing number of commercial buildings, residential complexes and even warehouses to make key management a lot simpler. Eliminating the need to lug around a heavy key ring, the system also doubles up as a security arrangement in a few applications, allowing restricted access to designated individuals.

If you want to implement this system in your premises, then you can do so with the help of a professional locksmith from Locksmith Service Columbia MD. We’re known for providing a wide range of locksmith solutions to clients in Columbia, MD area, and have a team of technicians who specialize in devising and implementing master key systems.

How does it work?

Locksmith Service Columbia MD Columbia, MD 410-874-9022On the surface, it might seem simple, but in reality it’s not! To set up a master key system, first, a locksmith will analyze all the locks on your property. This is done to ensure the locks are in good shape and are capable of withstanding a rekeying procedure. Next, the locks are dismantled and are fitted in with a different configuration. The configuration is designed to answer to a unique change key as well as a master key that is common to the set. This is the most basic setup. In other cases, where organizations are in need of achieving a certain level of hierarchy, there are sub master keys involved as well

How master key systems enhance security?

The general use of a master key system lies in its convenience. If you lose the change key, there’s always the master key that can be used to gain access. But besides that, the application of this system in security is also notable. Designing a complex layout, wherein the level of access prescribed to each sub-master key is restricted, businesses can control who gains access to which part of the property.

For example, the IT tech may only need access to the server, supply room, and storage, but definitely not the accountant’s room. Similarly, a janitor or an office assistant has access to conference rooms, closets and other places, but is denied access to the server room. To set up a hierarchical system as described above, a careful assessment is required, after which a professional locksmith plans out the master key system, and executes with appropriate sets of master and sub-master keys to allocate access as desired.

If you’re looking for an expert to set up a master key system in Columbia, MD area, then you’ve found it! Dial 410-874-9022 now!